Tourism Technologies

CardMap shows all the latest travelling news and relevant infos in real time!

Save time

CardMap helps the user to better organise time while discovering a new city, suggesting charming experiences shared by other users. Relevant informations about transport & safety communications will be instantly updated, avoiding any inconvenient.

Live local

Discover precious hidden gems to fully feel local. CardMap interactively advises the user of all the possible relevant travelling experiences & must see locations nearby through highly engaging 3D maps & customised avatars!

always there

CardMap offers continuous support to travellers by answering questions very quickly, providing accurate and relevant informations as soon as asked. Travelling is an adventure and CardMap makes it safe!

CardMap is the new traveller app in town!

Infos are relevant & quick

Navigating the 3D maps, travellers will find any kind of info & location needed by interacting with AR avatars along the way! CardMap highlights also the best shopping occasions to offer a complete experience!

Find the flow with the CardMap Community!

Every city has its own hidden gems! Discover them through high quality & user generated content. Our platform will provide relevant experiences shared by other users, making the user play while gaining points and bonus!

CardMap Safety Travel Assistant

CardMap is a brand new tourist app created in support to any traveller in town, providing solutions and assistance without wasting time, but above all, travelling safely.

Let's get the journey started

AR avatars will engage the user by popping up on ordinary travel cards, such as KeyCards, Entrance Tickets & Business Cards!

Advantages of cards:

Predictable and scalable distribution
AR-related card in the pocket increases chances of CardMap use
Users have a better « personal » adoption
Increases in the "intuitiveness" for the product
Direct association of the item with CardMap
Predictable and scalable distribution
AR-related card in the pocket increases chances of CardMap use
Users have a better « personal » adoption
Increases in the "intuitiveness" for the product
Direct association of the item with CardMap

Gamification & customised AR contents for a new travelling experience

CardMap assists travellers in any time of their journey providing high quality content and relevant informations by engaging them through gamification & AR contents. Promoting your activity through CardMap is an easy & fun way to get more visitors and clients interested in your products, shown by CardMap to our growing community!

3D map & Avatars highlight unique deals, locations or points of interest anywhere you are!

Find & Book the best deal in town with CardMap

Engaging & customised AR interface

HD 3D avatars!

Lifelike 3D avatars engage the user while navigating the app! Graphics & HD quality will compensate any lag without affecting User – App interaction.

Customisable user experience!

Avatars change as soon as the GPS location changes! Every query will be directed to a specific avatar able to answer & fulfil the need of immediate & smart infos, representing also local history or culture!

Intuitive interface!

Functions vary following GPS signal or user’s query! CardMap tools interact with the user through easy & smart gestures, flowing through functions without any complication!

CardMap: The community!

Share value!

In our community value comes first! CardMap engage users by inviting them to share their contents such as blog, travel ideas, stories, being active within our community!

Travellers connected!

CardMap creates a net between users and locals, bringing the community to the next level, enjoying the true soul of the city!

Gamification experience

Users will be engaged by earning gems, achievements, likes & experience titles, unlocking more and more possibilities while playing on CardMap!

CardMap’s community is the place to share opportunities, deals, targeted ads, and even more! CardMap keeps a constant eye on the community, proposing tests and surveys to better know our members!

CardMap cutting-edge technology and key features

CardMap: a new way to shop in app!

Find deals and buy brand new AR content and to upgrade avatars
Sell in-app Gems
Users rewarded for any purchase
Users gain advantages for any content & deal through CardMap